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Tuning: F#F#F#F#C#f#
Alternate Tuning: EEEEBe (capo the 2nd fret)

     F#: 000000  B5/F#(1): 005555  B/F#(2): 055500  E: x10101000  A: x33300

Instrumental Section:
     guitar:    F# ///     B5/F#(1) ///  F#5 ///    B5/F#(1) ///
melody line: f#   7   9      7   9 9       7   9      7    9 9
             C# 9   9   9  9   9         9   9   9  9   9
     bass: D        4 4                      4 4
           A                   2                        2
           E    2 4        2 4           2 4        2 4

    guitar: B/F#(2) /// //// E /// ////   F# /// ////      A /// //// 
    bass: A                  7                             0
          E 2                             2
    lyrics: Wake up          Don't fear I want to Love you Ow ow-wo 

    guitar: B/F#(2) /// //// E /// //// F# /// //// A /// //// 
    bass: A                  7                      0
          E 2                           2
    lyrics: Yeah don't go    there  I   let you get to me      

    guitar: B/F#(2) /// //// E /// ////
    bass: A                  7
          E 2
    lyrics: Yeah             yeah

Instrumental Section - Verse - Instrumental Section - Verse - Instrumental  
Section - Verse - Instrumental Section - Verse  - Instrumental Section


Here's the old version I had up.  You can compare the two and decide which one you 
like better.

Tuning: EBDF#Bf#

     F#5: 244xxx  B5/F#: 224xxx  B/F#: 224000  E: 022000  F#: 244000  A: 577000

Instrumental Section:
     guitar:    F#5 / / /   B5/F# / / / F#5 / / /    B5/F# / / /
melody line: f#    7   9       7    9 9    7    9       7    9 9
             B  11   9   11 11   11     11   11   11 11   11

    guitar: B/F#    E            F#               A        B/F#          E
    lyrics: Wake up Don't fear I want to Love you Ow ow-wo Yeah don't go there 
    guitar:   F#          A     B/F# E
    lyrics: I let you get to me Yeah yeah

Instrumental Section - Verse - Instrumental Section - Verse - Instrumental  
Section - Verse - Instrumental Section - Verse  - Instrumental Section

